About the webpage

Welcome to Almedalsbiblioteket's website! Here's a quick overview of what you find in the English web page menus.  

Use the library

Here is information about rules, how to become a patron at the library, opening hours, a link to the login to your library account, information about the study areas, computers and printers available at the library, inter-library loan terms and fees. Here you can book computers and group study rooms.


In the search section you will find the local library catalog, Libris – the national library catalogue – and the databases which the library subscribes to. There is also information about our newspapers, journals and special collections. You will also find a list of contact librarians for various subjects taught at the Gotland University and who to contact for information about special resources for students with reading difficulties.


This category contains contact details for the library, for individual members  of the staff and information on the library building.